Our moulds are used to accurately cast concrete products in the following categories.
The paving products for which we make moulds range from tiny tozetto tiles to large precision-cast landscaping units of 1.5 x 1.5 metres. Products range from 20 mm to 75 mm thick.
We make the widest range of modular moulds for 40 mm paving available anywhere.

Channels, kerbs and edging
Marius Cloete is known for moulds which produce products that are both specialised and multi-purpose.

Swimming pool coping
Pool coping to surround tricky curves whilst maintaining a modular look are one of our specialist areas.
When both pool coping and step edging are kept modular to adjacent paving, the entire installation looks sophisticated.
Organised into Modular Coping Sets with a variety of noses, textures and corner modules, we offer the largest selection of moulds for pool coping for straight-edged pools.

Wall capping
Unlike most paving moulds, wall capping moulds may have a Surface Texture on multiple surfaces.

Wall cladding
Accurate casting creates a clean masonry effect in these slate-emulating wall tiles. Our accurate sizing ensures that units abut each other neatly.

Special and custom products
We’re known for moulds which produce products that are both specialised and multi-purpose.
This picture shows a custom mould, along with its 3D-printed plug, which we designed and commissioned. Our client was a researcher at the University of Stellenbosch. We made a set of these moulds to produce scaled-down concrete versions of industry-standard units used in soil systems.

Let’s talk
Maybe we already have a mould for something you have in mind. Or maybe we can make it just for you.