Expect help that creates value

by | 27 Aug 2019

This article is part of our series on What to Expect.

There is a difference between mould cost and mould value. Moulds that produce products that work for all roleplayers create and add value every step of the way.

I understand the manufacturing side of your business. I’ve worked in it, created methods and equipment and trained staff, contributing more than is required. I made more mistakes, and I’ve been wrong more often than most people, because I’ve attempted more.

But then I’ve also found solutions and ways to do things that people embrace as new and better, not merely different. My library of failed projects and experiments is a treasure trove of how-to’s that do not work — and that do.

Moulds give form to your products. In a way, they represent the thought and strategy that underpins your designs and your approach to building your business. There is a difference between mould cost and mould value. Moulds that produce products that work for all roleplayers creates and adds value every step of the way. Find out how.

I work along with you. Expect expert advice.

This article is part of our series on What to Expect.

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